Foosin Suture is a reliable medical product designed to promote wound healing. Our factory produces high-quality sutures that meet medical standards, ensuring safe and effective wound closure. Shop now for long-lasting sutures.
Note: 1. The needle length shown in table is general specification. The other specifications within the recommended limit (3-90mm) also can be manuf2. The suture length shown in table is general specification. The other specifications within the recommended limit (0-390cm) also can be manufactured.3. The suture quantity shown in table is general specification. The other specifications within the recommended limit (1-50) also can be manufactured.4. The situation that character 6 is 'None':PGA suture: violet colour,coated;PGLA suture: violet colour,coated;PDO suture: violet colour, none coated;PGA Rapid suture: Undyed, coated.PGLA Rapid suture: Undyed, coated.PGCL suture: Undyed, none coated.Polypropylene suture: Blue colour,none coated;Polyester suture:Green colour,coated;PVDF suture: Blue colour, none coated;PTFE suture: Undyed, none coated.SILK suture: Black, coatedNYLON suture: Blue, none coated